Friday, October 18, 2013


Morrison Marketing 
Michael Morrison
Economy of Augusta, Georgia
Augusta, Georgia, USA

     Augusta, Georgia is a medium sized southern city in Georgia. In the shadow of Atlanta's skyskraper's and Savannahs Mystique, Augusta has not been given the proper recognition for its status in the state, much less the nation. The economy of Augusta will grow to be more important to the State and the Nation and I feel lucky to see this growth and development first hand. While the flow of history is rarely able to be seen in a short time, I think this is one of those times for Augusta, Georgia. I feel lucky to see the reverse of the CBD's decline, the rising test scores and the rapid transit into the 21st century for the economy of Augusta. Times are a' changing, as they say. Augusta is caught between the future and the past with an arm being tugged in each direction. I will explain my city and her economy in this report and hope you guys find it appropriate and appreciable.

     Augusta has the typical economic features of a medium sized Southeast city, like a military base, manufacturing plants and housing subdivisions. Many of the liabilities resemble the usual associations with old manufacturing centers, a lack of emphasis on education and sprawling crime. It sounds generic when you label the problems like that, but the differentiation we can find will help to solve them. A report is only useful when it reveals new information, or reinforces information not taken as important as it is should be supposed. 

     The future of Augusta is one of rapid change, as it can achieve a lot of growth just by modernizing to the American average. With low wages and a diversified skilled labor pool, Augusta attracts a sizable blue collar industry. This high blue collar job market coupled with Southern Heritage gives Augusta a wild wild west feel. The combination of Southern gentleman manners and corporate strategy meet in many of the businessmen offices in Augusta. 

     The companies and business people here are trying to put the city up there in the shadows of our neighbors, with an urbanizing downtown core, a booming edge of suburban cities and a good place in the Georgia manufacturing process (the Logistical mix in Augusta includes shipping from the newly deepened Port of Savannah, a huge catalyst for the city) Augusta will be more participant in other cities economies.

Downtown Augusta

(With plenty of sun and rain, Augusta is a city in the Georgia Jungle of Pine trees, Live oaks and Red Cedars)

     I have lived in Augusta my whole life and have studied economics, marketing and politics with Augusta examples in mind. I hope to answer a lot of questions in this report, it is my intention to have the most complete and well formed report on the economy of Augusta. The report has turned out to be quite in depth about any topic an Augustinian would want to know about, and I plan to continually update it as situations change or I become more competent to include more subjects.

     I wrote this report in another way to see if it is worth staying here, in Augusta, to run my own business (a marketing company). There are some things that Augusta can bring to the table to contribute to the economic mix of America and the world and I am at least put more at ease after understanding how good, or bad, the economy really is here and how to fit to it.

     I am very much a fundamentalist and concentrated on the basic features of comprehending an economy. I do not want to make another report full of boring data that really does not tell the story properly. There are plenty of firms that will give you a bunch of spreadsheets and call that a report. I want this report to reek of usefulness and of common sense and will therefore avoid using much math, or jargon, at all times possible. After reading many reports on municipalities, I think we can do without the usual fillers of charts about the most basic issues.   

     The people I envisioned reading this when writing are lawyers, accountants, bankers, politicians, managers, citizens, investors and such, but anyone should be able to read it with little trouble for jargon and comprehension

Augusta downtown

(The Garden City)

     This is a small consultation, but it, without a doubt, is better than ones that the City may pay to be commissioned. Most consultants who write municipality reports have interest with the politicians that commissioned them. Their reports reek of corruption with certain business agendas in the city being pushed. I want to leave all of the politics aside, I am not writing this for a family member, who just happens to be a commissioner. 

     The city commissioners and the mayor should have came to the students at Georgia Regents University to write such a report. They would never think that the actual students who grew up here and are dying to get first hand experience in economics, have relevant knowledge. They would never think that to explain an economy does not require a science degree or knowledge of calculus. You simply need common sense, something politicians lack. The politicians in Augusta are the same class as Detroit and Washington DC. They are, in fact, the most cited troublemakers of the metro's.

     I find this all nonsense, I will contribute what I know of our economy and in a modern way, publish it on blogger for all to see and add to. So, here is my report on the Economy of my home town, Augusta, Georgia, I hope you enjoy. I did writing it. 

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